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How to Create an Effective Change Management Plan

Guide To Creating An Effective Change Management Plan

If your organization is about to undergo a new digital transformation, it’s essential to first formulate a change management plan. Adopting new technology solutions can cause a significant change to your operations. It isn’t always easy for everyone to adapt to. 

However, change is an essential part of growth. Especially in today’s world, where so many sectors are digitizing their operations, quickly adjusting to the new change is important. 

Follow our guide to help your organization prepare for a new digital transformation with an effective change management plan. 

What is a Change Management Plan?

Whenever an organization plans a change that will affect its regular operations, there needs to be a clear plan to follow. 

A change management plan outlines the steps that the organization needs to take to undergo any major change. Think of it as a roadmap that outlines the exact path to take in order to execute the change in the best way possible. 

Of course, a complete plan isn’t necessary for all minor changes made within a business. It’s only required when the change will affect a large part of its operations or the customers, employees, and core workflows. 

Basically, this plan allows an organization to reach its desired goal when a change is put into effect. The plan ensures operations run smoothly and efficiently while the new system is implemented. 

Four Key Components of a Change Management Plan

No matter the industry you’re in, your plan for change management should include these four key elements at the least:

Goals and KPIs

Any strategic plan needs to have clear, measurable goals in place. These goals should be aimed at how you will implement the change and what its outcome will be. 

The goals should also address how the organization will be able to raise awareness of the plan. 

To make sure that the goals are measurable and actionable, you need to put a set of KPIs in place. These will help to track the performance of your goals and ensure the change is on the right track. 

Clear Communication

Any change management plan needs to rely on a foundation of clear, transparent communication. Throughout the entire change process, establish a system of consistent and open communication with everyone involved. 

Having communication from both sides of the change implementation is important. Management and employees should communicate with each other to open up feedback, questions, and discussion around the new change. This gives management the chance to address any concerns their employees may have or questions about the new processes or tools being implemented. 

Addressing Resistance

Any significant change to existing systems is usually met with some form of resistance. People are already used to doing things one way, so adopting a new process is not always agreed upon by everyone involved. 

So, when implementing a change management plan, you need to establish a strategy on how to deal with possible resistance. This should include things like educating people on the benefits of the change and making the change a positive experience for everyone involved. 


Training sessions form an essential part of any change that affects your employees. One common problem is implementing a new change while failing to provide enough education and training for it to be successful.

A key part of the plan should be on continued training and development after the change has been put into action. This will help the new system to be more effective, and it will make adoption a much smoother process. 

How to Create a Change Management Plan in 7 Steps

When you understand the value and necessity of a new change, it’s time to put it into action. Here are the steps you can take to create an effective plan for change. 

Set Your Goals

As mentioned earlier, clearly defined goals are an essential part of any strategic plan. The first step is to set these goals and have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve. 

Start with your end objective, and then you can construct a plan around putting this into action. Reaching your eventual goal should be a step-by-step process. 

An important part of this step is defining your KPIs along the way and how you can measure them. This will help you to track your progress and see where you need to adjust along the way. 

Establish a Team

Your journey of digital transformation should be led by a dedicated team. While the new system may be adopted and utilized by everyone, you should still have a core team of people leading and implementing the solution. 

Establish a team of key people involved in the software change. Each person should have clear roles and responsibilities to help execute the plan. 

Create a Checklist

Now you can start to lay the plan out. An action item checklist is always a good place to start. Figure out each task that will need to be done throughout the plan, and lay them out from start to finish. Assign each task to a person in the change management team and provide an actionable date for each one. 

With each task, you’ll need to understand the resources involved and have a realistic timeframe. 

Set a Timeline

A change management plan needs to have a clear timeline in place. Each task needs to have an attainable and realistic date. Most importantly, your end goal should have a firm date attached to it. With a timeline and checklist in place, your plan will have a clear path to follow to success. 

Establish Your Systems 

Before putting the plan into action, you’ll need to have a clear set of systems in place to assist implementation. This includes things like:

  • your resistance management plan
  • how you will communicate
  • how you will accept feedback, and 
  • what the decision-making process looks like 

You’ve already established the what, and now you need to establish the how. Knowing how you will tackle each possible challenge and scenario with the new digital transformation will make everything run more smoothly. 

Put the Plan Into Action

Now you’re ready to execute your plan. You’ve got it all mapped out, so it’s just a matter of ticking your way through your checklist. 

Throughout the implementation of the plan, it’s always a good idea to show the value of how everything is unfolding. Show your team how the new digital solution is benefiting your operations. This will help to build confidence and excitement around the new system. 

Continue to Reinforce the Change

Once you have completed your change management plan, you should still be thinking about ways to sustain the change as a long-lasting solution. There are bound to be obstacles along the way. So, you need to make sure that you’re prepared to deal with them. 

Continue to push regular training and education sessions, and always highlight the value of your operations when something good happens. Be prepared for possible issues when your new systems don’t work out, and have a plan B in case of an emergency. 


When it’s time to adopt a new process, it’s important that you have an effective plan in place. Without this, your organization may struggle to operate with the new technology, and workers could have a hard time adjusting to new systems. 

The steps above form the essential framework for any change management plan. Apply them to your organization, and you will experience a far more successful transition to digital transformation.